Lindsay's Law

Compliance Committee

Report SCA

What is Lindsay’s Law? Lindsay’s Law is about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in youth athletes. It covers all athletes 19 years of age or younger who practice for or compete in athletic activities. Activities may be organized by a school or youth sports organization.

Which youth athletic activities are included in Lindsay’s law?

  • Athletics at all schools in Ohio (public and non-public)
  • Any athletic contest or competition sponsored by or associated with a school
  • All interscholastic athletics, including all practices, interschool practices, and scrimmages
  • All youth sports organizations
  • All cheerleading and club sports, including noncompetitive cheerleading

What is SCA? SCA is when the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly. This cuts off blood flow to the brain and other vital organs. People with SCA will die if not treated immediately. SCA can be caused by: 1) a structural issue with the heart, OR 2) a heart electrical problem which controls the heartbeat, OR 3) a situation such as a person who is hit in the chest or gets a heart infection. 

What is a warning sign for SCA? If a family member died suddenly before age 50, or a family member has cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome, Marfan syndrome, or other rhythm problems of the heart.

What symptoms are a warning sign of SCA? A young athlete may have these things with exercise:

  • Chest pain/discomfort
  • Unexplained fainting/near fainting or dizziness
  • Unexplained tiredness, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
  • Unusually fast or racing heart beats

What happens if an athlete experiences syncope or fainting before, during, or after a practice, scrimmage, or competitive play? The coach MUST remove the youth athlete from activity immediately. The youth athlete MUST be seen and cleared by a healthcare provider before returning to activity. This written clearance must be shared with the coach and the Titans Fastpitch Compliance Committee.

What happens if an athlete experiences any other warning signs of SCA? The youth athlete should be seen by a healthcare professional.

Who can evaluate and clear youth athletes? A physician (MD or DO), a certified nurse practitioner, a clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse midwife. For school athletes, a physician’s assistant or licensed athletic trainer may also clear a student. That person may refer the youth to another healthcare provider for further evaluation.

What is needed for the youth athlete to return to the activity? There must be clearance from the healthcare provider in writing. This must be given to the coach and the Titans Fastpitch Compliance Committee before returning to the activity.

All youth athletes and their parents/guardians must view the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) video about Sudden Cardiac Arrest, review the ODH SCA handout.

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